4 SNV calling

Bisulfite sequencing data contains information of both methylation and genome sequences. In addition to DNA methylation analysis, we can also call variants using bisulfite data. Due to bisulfite coversion and PCR amplification during library preparation, the unmethylated cytosines on the DNA fragments would be converted to thymines. Thus, it’s difficult to distinguish thymine produced by bisulfite coversion with the real thymine allele.

In recent years, few tools are adapted to bisulfite data for SNP calling. The main idea is removing vague reads that may contain unmethylated cytosines for a given positoin. Consequently, the rest reads can be regarded as reads generated from a normal genome DNA without bisulfite treatment and can be used to call variants using regular methods without consideration of bisulfite conversion.

ATCGmap table used for SNV calling

Figure 4.1: ATCGmap table used for SNV calling

However, removing the vague reads leads to information lost in most cases making variant calling less confident, especially when the sequencing depth is low.

Example that alignments refer to vague genotypes

Figure 4.2: Example that alignments refer to vague genotypes

To solve this problem, we tried to introduce wild-card in genotype calling. Even for these amiguouse genotypes, we can still learning something.

Table for definition of amibiguous genotype

Figure 4.3: Table for definition of amibiguous genotype

We proposed two independent methods called BinomWC (based on binomial) and BayesWC (based on bayesian), taking vague reads into consideration.

4.1 BaysWC strategy

BinomWC strategy combines bayesian method and wildcard strategy for predicting the genotype. The likelyhood matrix is designed as following.

The likelyhood matrix for BayesWC strategy

Figure 4.4: The likelyhood matrix for BayesWC strategy

4.2 BinomWC strategy

BinomWC (Binomial-WildCard) strategy works as following for 3 cases.

Case 1 for BinomWC strategy

Figure 4.5: Case 1 for BinomWC strategy

Case 2 for BinomWC strategy

Figure 4.6: Case 2 for BinomWC strategy

Case 3 for BinomWC strategy

Figure 4.7: Case 3 for BinomWC strategy

4.3 Performance

Performances on simulation data
Precision-Recall analysis on simulated WGBS data

Figure 4.8: Precision-Recall analysis on simulated WGBS data


cgmaptools snv -h
#   Usage: cgmaptools snv [-i <ATCGmap>] [-o <output> -v <VCF>]
#         (aka SNVFromATCGmap)
#   Description: Predict the SNV from ATCGmap file.
#   Contact:     Guo, Weilong; guoweilong@126.com
#   Last update: 2018-05-02
#   Output format example:
#      #chr  nuc  pos    ATCG_watson  ATCG_crick  predicted_nuc  p_value
#      chr1  G    4752   17,0,0,69    0,0,0,0     A,G            9.3e-07
#      chr1  A    4770   40,0,0,29    0,0,0,0     A,G            0.0e+00
#      chr1  T    8454   0,39,0,0     0,0,0,0     T/C            1.00e-01
#   Options:
#     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#     -i FILE               ATCGmap format, STDIN if not specified
#     -v FILE, --vcf=FILE   VCF format file for output
#     -a, --all_nt          Show all sites with an predictable genotype. Only show
#                           SNP sites if not specified.
#     -o OUTFILE            STDOUT if not specified
#     -m MODE, --mode=MODE  Mode for calling SNP [Default: binom]
#                           binom: binomial,  separate strands
#                           bayes: bayesian mode
#     --bayes-e=BAYES_ER    (BayesWC mode) Error rate for calling a nucleotide
#                           [Default: 0.05]
#     --bayes-p=BAYES_PV    (BayesWC mode) P value as cut-off [Default: 0.001]
#     --bayes-dynamicP      (BayesWC mode) Use dynamic p-value for different
#                           coverages install of specific p-value. (Recomended)
#                           "--bayes-p" will be ignored if "--bayes-dynamicP" is
#                           specified.
#     --binom-e=BINOM_ER    (BinomWC mode) Error rate for calling a nucleotide
#                           [Default: 0.05]
#     --binom-p=BINOM_PV    (BinomWC mode) P value as cut-off [Default: 0.01]
#     --binom-cov=BINOM_COV
#                           (BinomWC mode) The coverage checkpoint [Default: 10]
  • Example commands :

    cgmaptools snv -i WG.ATCGmap.gz -m bayes -v bayes.vcf -o bayes.snv --bayes-dynamicP

    cgmaptools snv -i WG.ATCGmap.gz -m binom -o binom.snv

  • Output format

    • Example
    #chr    nuc     pos     ATCG_watson     ATCG_crick      predicted_nuc   p_value
    chr1    G       4752    17, 0, 0, 69    0, 0, 0, 0      A,G             9.3e-07
    chr1    A       4770    40, 0, 0, 29    0, 0, 0, 0      A,G             0.0e+00
    chr1    T       8454    0, 39, 0, 0     0, 0, 0, 0      T/C             1.00e-01
    • Column Description
Output format description for cgmaptools snv

Figure 4.9: Output format description for cgmaptools snv